My mundane name is Anton Rönnblom but in the realm of medieval games I am known as SvartulvR, The black wolf. Those who has seen me in action in the smithy or working one of my casting owens tend to agree that it is a fitting name, especially the black part.
I am interested in most types of crafts but my main focus is in wood and metalwork. In the SCA I am probably most well known for my casting. I do some needlework but to be fair these days mostly at my mundane job. I am also the arts and sience contact (Moas) in the shire of frostheim so if you do have any quesions feel free to contact me and I will answer what I can and point you in the direction of those who know what I do not.
Please feel free to look through my pages, I try to make small step by step picture series to inspire others to try the different crafts themselves. I have unfortionately not photografed most of the things I have done, if you have someting I have made that you like. Please send me a picture and I will add it to my page.